Answers to your every query

We welcome all your curiosity and have provided you with some of the common queries and answers that we receive from our students.

GreenQbit was established by experienced developers who understood the value of practical skills for upcoming developers, designers, and any IT enthusiasts. Therefore at GreenQbit, we deliver a practical skill set with a real working environment and relevant projects which provide you with the right career guidance and skillsets.

GreenQbit branches are located in Sydney Australia, Kathmandu and Mahendranagar Nepal.

GreenQbit provides guaranteed internship opportunities in selected bootcamps and programs. We also provide internship and placement opportunities to students with outstanding performance and upon vacancies provided by tech companies.

GreenQbit was established in 2017 A.D.

GreenQbit provides the facility of online classes where students can study their desired courses on their own time and flexibility without the need to physically visit the classroom. We have bootCamps fully designed for online classes with experienced professionals and study material. The student will get separate login to our student portal from our website where they can easily access our course materials.

Absolutely courses at GreenQbit are very affordable so anyone who wants to study with us will not be overburdened with expensive fees.

Education should not be bounded with financial obligations therefore we provide excellent scholarships opportunities to deserving students and qualifications. You can feel free to contact us and submit your scholarship application. We will evaluate it and get back to you. We also provide discounts and offers during enrollment and on different occasions.

At GreenQbit we offer comprehensive BootCamps courses that are designed by experts and professionals in their respective fields with years of experience. All the courses are designed on a short-term basis with the latest technology, project management tools, and languages used in the development environment in major tech companies and startups in the job market, Full Stack Development is the primary focus at GreenQbit as it enables you to acquire necessary skills required for handling frontend, backend and database managements all that same time accelerating your capabilities to its fullest.
We offer BootCamps on Java, Java with Node and React, Java with Node, React and NoSQL, UI/UX, and many more. With practical-based courses, we also provide you with projects, assignments, and interview preparation classes which magnify your logical reasoning and hands-on skill on real-life projects during the course and in future mega projects. We also offer both online and offline bootcamps with the flexibility to study from anywhere in the world at any desired time.

At GreenQbit we offer comprehensive BootCamps courses that are designed by experts and professionals in their respective fields with years of experience. All the courses are designed on a short-term basis with the latest technology, project management tools, and languages used in the development environment in major tech companies and startups in the job market, Full Stack Development is the primary focus at GreenQbit as it enables you to acquire necessary skills required for handling frontend, backend and database managements all that same time accelerating your capabilities to its fullest.
We offer BootCamps on Java, Java with Node and React, Java with Node, React and NoSQL, UI/UX, and many more. With practical-based courses, we also provide you with projects, assignments, and interview preparation classes which magnify your logical reasoning and hands-on skill on real-life projects during the course and in future mega projects. We also offer both online and offline bootcamps with the flexibility to study from anywhere in the world at any desired time.